quibebe clássico or savory winter squash with garlic and olive oil

quibebe clássico or savory winter squash with garlic and olive oil

quibebe clássico or savory winter squash with garlic and olive oil

I am fascinated by squash and pumpkin. In America there are some many different edible types available, not to mention the myriad visually stunning decorative ones that come to market about this time of the year. It is a feast! A couple of weeks ago I spotted a beautiful winter squash at the Alemany farmers market. The lady at the vegetable stand weighed it and gave me the whopping price $5.75! Expensive for a pumpkin don’t you think? I almost asked her if the seeds were made of gold! Well the gourd was so beautiful I didn’t hesitate to bring it home despite it emptying my wallet. Plus I think that sometimes it is okay to pay a bit more for produce that’s unusual and/or organic. So often, they look different and taste different. Also, I feel I’m contributing to the maintenance of the genetic bank for rare and heirloom fruit and vegetables. My suggestion to everyone is to move away from the boring standard sizes, colors, shapes and dull flavors of supermarket produce. Try variations!

Our friend John came over for dinner the week we brought this pumpkin home. As I prepared dinner, he sipped his wine (red, of course) and admired the beautiful, ephemeral beauty lying in a bowl atop of our wine bar, decorating our environs. It made me happy that he noticed. Pumpkins or squashes serve two purposes at home: obviously, they’re to eat, but also they make wonderful decorative sculptures.

This recipe is a simple one that comes from my childhood. It was a big success at home every time my mother made it in Brazil. I made a nouvelle version last year with cashew nuts, jalapeño and tempeh.

beautiful winter squash from Alemany farmers market

beautiful winter squash from Alemany farmers market

This is the “classic” version that my mother would recognize. We served it as a side dish with Mediterranean bulgur black-eyed-pea pilaf. We love it!

quibebe clássico or savory winter squash with garlic and olive oil

1 medium size pumpkin/winter squash, peeled, seeds removed, cut into even size squares
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp sugar
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Approx ¾ cup of water
Fresh cilantro to garnish

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a deep pan. Add garlic and sauté for about 1 minute or so. Add squash cubes, salt, pepper and sugar. Give it a good stir. Add ½ cup water then cover pan. Cook squash on high temperature for about 10-12 minutes or until squash is soft and partially collapsed. Adjust seasoning. Remove from heat. Let cool approx. 5-10 minutes. Drizzle with remaining olive oil. Transfer to a serving platter and decorate with a couple of sprigs of cilantro.

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  • tasteofbeirut Oct 5, 2010 @ 7:37

    I love squash too and especially a version such as this one, simple yet full of flavor.